
8 posts

The Enneagram

The Enneagram –

Kaleidoscope of

Personality nuances

     The prism through which

we live our lives.

To breathe, unfettered

     through every angle

Afforded by

     the multifaceted gaze –

We rest in the serenity of knowing

     the perfection

 of Creation – as it is.

Delight in the Unconditional love

     that is as surely present in

and around us as our very breath.

Know assuredly that we have the value

 of simply being the one and only

     authentic self we really are.

And in that – dare to transform as an

  ever evolving unique expression

      of the Divine.

We trust our inner guidance

  to give us what we need

    when we need it.

And feel the inner clarity of knowing

  without doubt or fear.

We know deeply that we are grounded

  in Being, Itself.

And need have no fear in the changing

   nuances of the apparent reality in which

 we live.

The Joy of that Being bubbles up

 within us as the ecstasy

   of living this life as a gift

And we draw our strength

  from the simplicity

and full honor of being an essential

    part of the Divine.

In the end, we know the wholeness

   of all things

such that every breath in and out are

but expressions of the Supreme face

        of God.

Forgiving Reality

Forgiveness is such an enormous field of possibility.

I recently went through the trials of dealing with an understaffed, for-profit hospital system as I tried to keep my husband alive when his heart was failing. For huge segments of time, I lived in the free-fall of not knowing if he would make it.

All of it seemingly preventable – if only there was a functioning and responsive system.

I caught myself sliding down the chute of churning resentment at the inept, greedy, “all about money at all cost to the patient” “health-care” system. I might even be right about that assessment. But the bilious acid in my stomach was a sign of my own inner working gone awry.

And this is where forgiveness enters into all this. Because – the reality is – this is the system we have here. To not fight reality is a deep form of forgiveness.

To forgive does not mean “do nothing.” To do the best possible, given what is true in any moment, keeps us on track for right action. Being assertive in the face of the resistance of the system is what kept my husband alive. But not arguing with reality in a frenzy of anger means that we allow “Thy Will Be Done” in the bigger scheme of things.

 In the end (meaning – at the moment) it has worked out. He did get a pacemaker in time. He is still beside me on the couch as I write this. And I have a new magnitude of gratitude for the fact that this is so.

My husband will die someday. I’ve been granted a window of realizing what that will be like.  A taste in advance. And meanwhile, accepting each moment as it shows up will likely keep me alive and well longer, too!


Forgiveness.  We know it matters, but golly it can be hard to do. Most religious traditions focus on forgiveness as an essential part of the spiritual path, but it matters for our personal health, too.  Beyond the obvious discomfort we experience from an inner roiling diatribe, it is literally hard on the heart.  “Held-in hostility” has been linked to heart attacks, and difficulty healing if we have one.

The challenge, of course, is that though we may be willing to forgive, we can’t will it to happen.  There are things that can help: realizing we are only hurting ourselves can help shift the inner tide. Turning the whole mess over to a Higher Power to deal with justly (and letting go of our idea of what justice should be) helps.  Finding ways in our own lives we have been less than perfect along similar lines as the offender is a good thought process.

I created a CD with a guided imagery to help this process. In the name of contributing to a positive spin in the world right now, I am giving these away free of charge. (I do ask, please for postage).  If you or someone you know could benefit from this, please do take one – and pass it on.

I am sincerely hoping this may contribute to good.  And chime in on the comments if you have added thoughts, suggestions, helpful advice for us all.