
9 posts

The Enneagram

The Enneagram –

Kaleidoscope of

Personality nuances

     The prism through which

we live our lives.

To breathe, unfettered

     through every angle

Afforded by

     the multifaceted gaze –

We rest in the serenity of knowing

     the perfection

 of Creation – as it is.

Delight in the Unconditional love

     that is as surely present in

and around us as our very breath.

Know assuredly that we have the value

 of simply being the one and only

     authentic self we really are.

And in that – dare to transform as an

  ever evolving unique expression

      of the Divine.

We trust our inner guidance

  to give us what we need

    when we need it.

And feel the inner clarity of knowing

  without doubt or fear.

We know deeply that we are grounded

  in Being, Itself.

And need have no fear in the changing

   nuances of the apparent reality in which

 we live.

The Joy of that Being bubbles up

 within us as the ecstasy

   of living this life as a gift

And we draw our strength

  from the simplicity

and full honor of being an essential

    part of the Divine.

In the end, we know the wholeness

   of all things

such that every breath in and out are

but expressions of the Supreme face

        of God.

Being Spiritual

A friend was recently complaining about not being able to have spiritual conversations with her sister. Even though this particular woman isn’t exactly great at communicating, she cares for their mother, volunteers at a number of charities and has sent my friend money when she wasn’t making enough to make ends meet.

I used to think that to be spiritual looked a certain way. I’ve chosen friends and relationships based on whether I felt understood or able to communicate on my own terms.  Even worse, I have judged others for the ways they don’t line up with my idea of “spiritually evolved.”

But I wonder.

The image we have of what spirituality should look like – how often do we question that?

My image has mostly centered around an unruffled, peaceful countenance and basically infinite equanimity. Since I and no one I know actually ever quite fits that image it has given plenty of free fodder for the harsh critic in my mind.

I’ve wondered though – where does the raging part of the river fit into that schema? The turbulent waves of a storm?

Aren’t they all part of this – God’s great world?

I also notice that when I embrace every single aspect of what arises in me as – just that- yet another aspect of the creative force at work, I get ever so much (paradoxically) calm about it.

The thing is, when there is room – for it all – we do feel more peaceful. We aren’t trying to push away anything. Which takes energy and creates tension.

This isn’t to say we should not use discernment in who we hang out with or with whom we develop deep relations.

But, sitting in judgment – there’s the boil.  When we realize that inherent in their lives, every person is suffering – in some big or small way, it becomes easier to accept them where they’re at. And to accept with equanimity each thing – inner and outer – there is the peace we’ve been seeking.

There truly is room for it all.