True Self

8 posts

Divine Will

One of my greatest interests is embodying Spirit as a known reality. To simply discuss or learn about theological doctrines and history is to keep it intellectual. All head-stuff. To translate the laws of God as written and learned into action is the next level of absorption. We put into action and make relevant what we have learned.

But even deeper than this is the embodiment of Spirit, Itself, as a known, felt, motivating force that informs and guides our every action without even needing to “think” about it. The Spirit becomes an ever present, in-dwelling force that guides us completely in every circumstance and situation without thought.

Only then do we know the full import of the words: “Thy Will Be Done.” Not my will, but Thine, Dear Lord be made manifest through this vehicle which is me.

Amazingly, all things come and become much easier, then. We realize what folly it was that our small will with our limited understanding would have known what was best all this time. It is only thinking that we are separate from the Whole that makes us fear that “Divine Will” is separate from and oppressive to what is best for us.

Rather, we know ourselves to be truly safe and cared for in the context of that Infinite “Is” whence we came, and to whom we shall return. We live “in” and of the Creator always.

Aging as a Spiritual Practice

I am teaching a 3 week workshop on Aging as a Spiritual Practice at the Center for Spiritual Wisdom in Brevard.  We have an amazing group of elders who are so wise and engaged in this process, I am truly humbled and in awe. I think some of you who are readers of my blog would appreciate the information from our last class.

The invitation in the second class was to review our place in the context of our lineage by entering deeply into the awareness of our mother (for the women)/father (for the men).  Imagine living their lives – in their times – under their circumstances.  Then zoom up to a birdseye view to observe the patterns of the lineage into which you were born.  See how you fit into that, and continue to play out the patterns of your heritage.  Notice of that what is helpful/useful – and what you might want to change. You can.  This is free will and choice.

The homework for the week was to continue to notice the patterns – and making conscious choices relative to what you see.

Then we wrote – and read – the obituary that might be written for us NOW and most especially we noticed what we wished could have been in there.  And, again – realize that now is the time to address that!  Choices.

Insights from this class:

All of us feel a certain vulnerability at this time of our lives.  If we stay with this – sink deeper into it as an invitation – we can see a way of being that is more honest.  More grounded. More real. More truly present with life and those around us. Be very patient; kind to self.  All we’ve done has worth. Now we can see/appreciate God’s creation more deeply. By being more quiet, we can invite the Divine in – right in and through us while still on earth.

Paradoxically, while feeling less able to “do”, we can practice more deeply the doing of the Divine through us. It is the will of the ego that is getting weaker here. Don’t fight this. Let it be. Let it rest. Lean into, open up to, allow the breath of the Divine to penetrate more deeply. As we are less ego driven – more present without resistance – we become part of the Gift of God to the planet.

This is the invitation of this time of our Life

Welcome that! Be curious – Let yourself be supported by the Hand of the Divine.