
10 posts

Ever Changing


                The river moving

                                Water trickling

Ever changing

in its Path, yet steady

                in its stream

Held in place

                of apparent sameness

                                by the banks,

                                                the rocks and logs

Seeming to be

                but one river


Never the same

                Each moment

                                New water

Meditation on Happiness

What is the fundamental root of happiness?

To be calm inside of self.

On what is that dependent?


How, then, does it arise?

                Focus on breath.  Keep it simple.

Notice and don’t believe the agitation.

                It passes away.

Calm remains.

                Calm requires no predecessor.

Agitation requires being stirred up.

                Make less effort, then.

Simply focus on the calm breath.

                That simple.

If you believe your mind, it races away with you.

                Why would you do this?


Each thing that arises in you

Is that needing attention right now.

    It is not you.

Though it is your attention it requires

To release it back into

    The Infinite from which it came.

Greet it with kindness.


Offer the solace of your very own heart

  To that which has come

     To you, today.